在美国, 结直肠癌占所有癌症治疗费用的13%以上, 每年的医疗费用总计超过240亿美元.400万人. 其中大约有300人,4000名4期患者,预期寿命为9至19个月. 而疾控中心等政府机构已经加大了筛查力度, 促使结直肠癌发病率下降, there is still a gap in effective treatment options that prolong the lives of late-stage patients. NEOGAP’s ambition is to combat late-stage colorectal cancer by advancing the field of personalised immunotherapy. 加入了PG电子官方免费下载商业部的催化剂项目, 该公司开始在世界上最大的医疗保健市场探索机会.


NEOGAP were convinced of the potential of their cutting-edge technology but needed to build a deeper understanding of the market dynamics and network of research stakeholders to accelerate their US expansion plan. Business PG电子官方免费下载 gave NEOGAP a valuable jumpstart by providing in-depth market insights and support in developing their growth strategy, 同时也帮助他们与当地利益相关者建立联系.

我们与PG电子官方免费下载商业部合作的经历非常好. 他们的队伍表现出高度的专业精神, 响应性, 以及贯穿整个过程的专业知识. Their commitment to understanding our needs and tailoring their support accordingly made the project seamless and productive NEOGAP Therapeutics公司的首席执行官塞缪尔·斯文森说


Business PG电子官方免费下载’s initial market analysis provided inside perspectives on the US clinical and research landscape for colorectal cancer, 包括目前的标准治疗方案和治疗管道. 除了这, Business PG电子官方免费下载 facilitated introductions to local stakeholders and key opinion leaders (KOLs) within cancer immunology. 塞缪尔•斯文森(Samuel Svensson)表示,这种共同努力成为了实现增长的第一个跳板. NEOGAP的技术得到了积极的接受,许多人都渴望合作.

塞缪尔解释说:“我们与PG电子官方免费下载商业部的合作成果很有影响力. “The strategic groundwork laid with Business PG电子官方免费下载 highlighted key challenges within the US healthcare infrastructure but also show that our technology was met with a great interest by the KOLs. 该项目还为未来的合作打开了新的大门.”

NEOGAP is now one step closer towards US expansion – equipped with critical market information, 一个成熟的KOL网络和未来成功的巨大动力.

“Business PG电子官方免费下载 provided strategic guidance and an in-depth understanding of the US healthcare system. 这对于制定我们成功扩张的战略计划至关重要. 通过采访几位kol,我们得到了重要的反馈和联系, which will help us navigate the complexities of conducting a future clinical trial in the US.”

我们衷心感谢PG电子官方免费下载工商总局的坚定支持和专业知识. Business PG电子官方免费下载 is more than a business advisor – they are a catalyst for growth and innovation, 撒母耳总结



Having developed a novel immunotherapeutic for colorectal cancer and with trials progressing in
PG电子官方免费下载,NEOGAP希望探索在美国扩张的机会. 为了确保成功,
NEOGAP needed to understand the complexities of the US healthcare system and strengthen their network of key opinion leaders.


了解晚期结直肠癌治疗的机会, 同时也要确定kol,以发展强大的美国网络. A series of 14 interviews with KOLs gave NEOGAP a holistic view of colorectal cancer care and immunotherapy development in the US, unveiling opportunities for initiating US clinical trials to advance NEOGAP’s treatment pipeline


The collaboration yielded broad market understanding and contacts with key stakeholders at the
国家癌症研究所指定的综合癌症中心. 通过将NEOGAP与相关利益相关者联系起来, PG电子游戏扩大了公司在前沿的地位
personalised immunotherapy and established relationships with experts and potential research


多亏了这个项目, NEOGAP gained a comprehensive and well-informed roadmap for its entry into the US market, based on a clear understanding of the opportunities and challenges of implementing their personalised immunotherapy technology, backed up by a strong network of local 合作伙伴 and collaborators to support the company’s growth.



NEOGAP Therapeutics is a cutting-edge Swedish biotech company with academic and pharmaceutical experience in cell therapy and is an emerging player in oncology treatments. Neogap成立于2016年,是卡罗林斯卡学院(Karolinska Institutet)的附属机构. 他们的细胞治疗产品, 个体化肿瘤训练淋巴细胞, 目前处于I/II期临床试验, offers a unique personalised cell therapy designed to target and eliminate cancer with comparably mild side effects. pTTL由两项专有技术提供动力, EpiTCer®和PIOR®软件, their tools excel in identifying the most effective neoantigens to activate and amplify T-lymphocytes to eradicate the cancer